I turn 40, yes my dears FOUR ZERO in September. Do not pity me for I am in fabulous shape, mentally and physically. In fact, I'm feeling positively excited at the thought of this milestone. Of course, long gone are the days when I could get away with wearing polyester mix material and my teeth don't quite fit the old gums as snuggly as they once did. I've even found 3 grey hairs in my unmentionables (to add to the gagillions on my head - thank god for modern hair dye) as well as the stray whiskers on my chinny chin chin (though with modern technology those too have been exterminated)...gosh don't I just sound an absolute catch? It's a pity I don't have a sister, since I'm married (don't you just envy The Silverback?)
But by the same token, I also have an inexhaustible supply of healthy self-esteem. I am secure and sure of myself and happy in my skin. I am doing exactly what I want to do, living exactly where I want to live surrounded by an ever increasing circle of mummy entrepreneurs and making only the sacrifices I want to make. Sickening isn't it? Well, not really, since this is all bourne of the experience that comes with being 39. So you could say, I 've earned my stripes in this sense and now I am looking forward to the lookout point the next 39 steps may offer. And if they produce the wisdom, friends and experience of the last 39 - I reckon I'd be quite happy to hang up my clogs there and then. I think 80 is a very respectable age to check out. The Lish will be 45 and hopefully have had the same rewarding experiences - none of which I hope should come too easy - because of course by definition, they wouldn't be rewards.
So back to turning 40. I am going out in style. Cheese style. The Silverback is organising a party at the local tennis club (I know sounds very chic - and it is - proper Mannequin chic). To which I am inviting old friends and new. Including one girl I went to primary school with. The icing on the cake will be a mini break to New York City. I am aiming for a proper 80s flashback time of my life. I've been gearing up for it by watching all the 80s cheesoid films like Desperately Seeking Susan, Ferri Bueller's Day Off, Dirty Dancing, About Last Night, Pretty in Pink...oooh I could go on...WHAT? I have a 5 year old!! I don't get out as much.
Sadly the second hand shop that features in Desperately Seeking Susan, Love Saves The Day, no longer exists in NYC...BOO! but there will be other cheesoid locations. All ideas welcome!!!
I will end with the wise words of Ferris Bueller: "I've said it once and I'll say it again; life goes by pretty fast, if you don't stop to take a look around every now and again - you're going to miss it."