Credit goes to the instructor Claire Missingham - whose yoga workshop I attended yesterday - where she broke the pose down to its individual components. Easy when you know how? Well not really - it's still flipping hard, but the illusion has been demystified. In short, I made the impossible possible yesterday and I take away the lesson that if I (or anyone for that matter) wish to make changes or progress in some way it's imperative to step outside of the comfort zone.
No more treading water for this girl in any respect - NONE.
Talking of comfort zones and eschewing them for a more life affirming zone - I took the train to Manchester last week to see Pearl Jam. In typical fashion this is a band I got into some 15 years after the rest of its fanbase. But what a fanbase. I thought I'd travelled a long(ish) way until I started talking to an Australian in the "beer queue" who'd not only come all the way from Brisbane to see them in the UK, he was also following the band on tour. That's a lot of time, money and dedication but hey - beats sitting on your arse at work wondering why you hate Mondays so much.
They played a song that I have to say is sort of new to me though it's from (I'm told by an incensed Silverback) their first album - 1992 - ahem....It's called Release and now that I know the lyrics, it has taken on a whole new meaning for me. I think you should just listen to it for yourself.
I suppose I should thank The Silverback for lending me "his" band. I'm listening right now to the song. Yep, I'm "doing the face". It brings a lump to my throat. It's like a line in a book that you relate to so much, well it's like someone has just reached out from the pages and taken you by the hand.
I'm off now to take no prisoners in life. JAI!
Om Nama Shivaya.