Thursday, May 3, 2018

Exploring The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

I’ve been meditating a lot recently, meditating with purpose actually.  I suppose most meditation is results-driven being that practitioners are usually seeking some sort of end corollary; Inner peace or release from depression and anxiety – that sort of thing. However here is where my latest practice differs slightly because latterly I’ve been trying to connect with spirit guides. 

Not content with attaining inner peace, I now also want to be able to predict the future.  Call me impatient, or paranoid - when there is uncertainty or change afoot, I seek answers from the other realm especially where none are forthcoming in the material world. 

I tend to do this ‘seeker’ form of meditation on the bus ride into work.  I sit in the same upper deck seat each time and plug into a guided track on Youtube.  I know the twists and turns of the bus now by heart which means I’m able to shut my eyes and totally give myself over to the experience without ever missing my stop (yet) 40 minutes later.  Interestingly no-one ever sits next to me….I can’t imagine why…

How to get a double seat on the bus...
I want to let you all know that I truly believe we all have spirit guides and that we all have the ability to connect to them, if we are so inclined.  We are supremely blessed in this way.  Trouble is (among believers at least), we don’t always catch their guidance because we’re too tied to the material thought.  What to get for dinner? Should I go to the gym? When does the new series of Peaky Blinders begin? Can I afford to have a glass of wine with my thighs and summer around the corner? That sort of thing which messes with the brain’s ability to quieten down enough in order to ‘hear’ specific messages that might be trying to come through.

So these 40 minutes on the bus have been the only time that thighs and Peaky Blinders are pushed to the side long enough to have any meaningful connection to a world beyond easy explanation.  If I told you I’d encountered Jesus & Mary (no chain, ha ha) on separate occasions…would you believe me? Well, I have.  And in answer to some other queries I’ve also encountered animal symbolism represented by a tame horse, an owl and a white wolf.  All brought me the comfort sought and intuitive answers to pressing questions of the time.  For real.  My mother and beloved uncle appeared on another occasion.

The whole experience is slightly beyond description.  It left me with a knowing.  A feeling of wellbeing, confidence and power.  I know this new beginning that I seek is coming now and that it will be magnificent.  I guess, in the words of Tom Petty – the waiting is the hardest part.  No spirit guide can speed that up unfortunately.

I know I’m being cryptic but I can’t quite say at the moment what it is that I am seeking.  I only want to say that I now know it will soon come to pass and when it does, I will explain everything.

In the meantime, I’m pleased to report that thanks to the selflessness of ‘The Barber of Manchester’ from the previous post, I’ve found the motivation to kick off a weekly yoga night for my friends and have re-started giving classes at a friend’s spacious home; classes I used to run without fail a few years ago but that had with one thing and another slowly evaporated into a steam of excuses.  But no more.

Head stand prep provokes painful palm protrusions