I don't need to settle for Pinocchio's dad |
This was my experience, not once but three times in Portugal this year. I've been happily divorced now for 5 years and in a new relationship for 2 and a half, but I do like to take one holiday a year with my daughter from this first marriage. Yet without fail, every single day of this and past similar holidays have been lessons in the art of male chauvinistic intimidation. First the inappropriate questions, then the 'free' aperitifs or what has become commonly known as grooming, and then the space invasion. It was pathetic. Beer bellies the size of ballast on a cruise ships shoved into my face as I tired to read the menu, they really do need to get real.
And I did have to tell each and every one. Subtlety was wasted on these guys, I had to be quite acerbic. Without exception each reject would stomp off in outraged affront. Two refused to serve me and one resorted to cantankerously sliding the plates of food at me and my daughter. I cancelled the meal and left without paying. And no-one tried to argue the case because they were all complicit.
I might be of a certain age and I might be a divorcee but I don't have to silently put up with this type of harassment and I don't.
I'm not happy my daughter had to witness these invasions of privacy and person but at least she now knows that if attention is not invited, if it makes her feel uncomfortable, then it's simply not welcome and frankly these deviants should and can fuck right off.