I received my first rejection today since my job search began at the end of August. There are a couple of reasons why this doesn't make me too unhappy - though I'm not exactly ecstatic. First I realised half way through the hour and a half interview that I really didn't have the right skill sets for the role so I was totally expecting not to get it and secondly: at last the ball is well and truly rolling.
I should start at the beginning before this post confuses you further. Jobs applied for: in the tens and mostly strategic applications - I stopped the scatter gun approach when I was 24 (that's a while ago). Interviews: two (plus countless networking meetings) - not great by anyone's standards least of all someone with such high expectations and so much to offer :) (well, modesty ain't gonna pay the rent) but this is a recession after all and the Canadian job market is 'different'.
In my defense both interviews were for tier one companies - one for a luxury retailer and the other for a huge media company, so nothing to be ashamed of there.
I won't say which one I was rejected by because that's not the point. Fact is the interviewer called me herself and offered to personally refer me to a couple of big PR agencies. If only all life's rejections came with these kinds of sweeteners. The other company where I felt the interview couldn't have gone better has yet to contact me with the outcome. Which just goes to show. I'm not so much offended as disappointed at the lack of professionalism but that is their problem not mine anymore.
Moving on. I have another interview on Friday for a really fine charity. This opportunity was born of the very first networking meeting I ever had. I didn't perform very well as my head was fuzzy from almost a year of, well, nothing too taxing frankly so it would be extremely ironic if this turned out to be 'the one.' Watch this space.
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