For years now, I've wanted to do something that truly mattered, counted towards a greater good and changed people's lives for the better. Various 'reasons' prevented me from ever taking the plunge to say become a counsellor, or train as a yoga teacher though I did get attuned to Reiki while travelling a few years ago. But I never did anything with it and I realise now that the only thing preventing me from doing more with acquired gifts like this was my inability to just do it.
So in fact I, am the only thing standing in the way of progress. It's a baffling and unsettling discovery and yet utterly joyous. Such a simple solution in that all I have to do is take that first step. I don't have to do it all at once either. I could tear bits off the plan and tackle them individually - at appropriate times where economics don't dictate against this type of innovation.
Coming to Canada was, I thought the first step. I had hoped to set up a Reiki clinic but during a meditation group discussion I had joined to tap into my intuitive self - and become a better healer, I made a stark discovery. For all my good intentions I did not come from a long line of Japanese Senseis. How then could I really know what happens to all that life force energy being channeled through me after it's done its job? I couldn't, was the unfortunate conclusion.
Further, I was horrified to discover that many Reiki practitioners have been known to die from the very diseases they spend their lives helping to cure. Not really the fate I had in mind.
Instead I turned to the material world again and took a role at a PR agency, where I enjoy a great deal of autonomy and build daily my industry skills. However, thoughts of Eastern spiritualism keep nudging me. The result is that I am giving serious thought to training as a yoga teacher and then actually doing something with that skill.
Meditation continues to not only fascinate but also fulfil. I find myself chanting and flicking through Yoga journals and laughing at the pictures. There is no need to lose my sense of humour over it .
That isn't to say that I don't consider the job I have right now a great opportunity - I do. I just wonder if it is in fact what I came here to do, given I am back in spiritual search mode so soon.
I guess when the psychic medium I visited for a giggle last year told me that I was being divinely guided towards a life less ordinary - she wasn't messing around.
The thing I struggle with most is balancing the material and the spiritual - this is the greatest blocker - or is this just a case of mind over matter? However, Yoga is no good if I can't pay the bills so I need to be strategic about it. Well it's a start.
I've realised recently the truth in the phrase "be careful what you wish for". I think I get it. Now all I need to figure out is, how brave am I feeling?
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