Saturday, August 29, 2009

A tale in two parts

No, I'm not in Europe yet as I start this post though I'm likely going to have to finish it retrospectively when I get back from my two week break as the taxi to the airport arrives in a few minutes.

I'm surprisingly calm considering I've built the trip up so much. I guess that is what happens when you've been out the night before with work. Calm or hungover? I highly recommend a night of heavy drinking before a taxing day of travel . Especially if you also have a boisterous 3 year old in tow. Ultimately you're in so much pain, figuratively you don't sweat the small or in fact the big stuff. Literally I'm sweating like a fat man on a treadmill.

'The Firm' that takes its pound of flesh from me every day turned 13 this year and the Bar Mitzvah was held on the 6th floor of a venerable old ex rag trade warehouse. Glorious fun. Much as I have decided to expedite the finite rule on my corporate life (more about that later), I do love the crap out of my colleagues who are so much fun. I laughed like a drain at the accountant - a young Jamaican who it turns out dances like everyone's dad at a wedding. I believe he is the only known one to do so in the world. Fascinating boy.

Ok - the taxi is here. I have to go.

Back in two weeks.

................Ok so I'm back to finish what I started before I blog about the holiday I've just returned from. I left for a two week break after attending a work function celebrating its 13 years in business. Hungover after drinking irresponsibly at said function and pissed off as I was at receiving possibly the most nonconstructive performance appraisal in the history of deconstructive criticism which possibly led to the extent of aforementioned irresponsible drinking, I was in the mood for a holiday. Which I've now had, thank you very much.

I had I realised much to consider while away though I put in place a deadline after which all thoughts of work would be pushed off an imaginary cliff. I was extraordinarily successful at this.

I found myself more and more comfortable with the thought of quitting the corporate world but I was conscious of the need to project 20 years into the future and be mindful that the decision I make today will not end in my having to tincup for a pension outside a railway station tomorrow - though it is my firm belief most pensions in the future will have to be procured in this way.

And it is this thought that leads me to put strategy and planning behind a career move of the sort I have in mind.

In an earlier post I talk about a life less ordinary where I refer to re-training in something that will allow me to do a job that 'matters'. For the next 4 months I will be but a vapour in my house so intensive is the course I'm taking. For now I'll call it my move towards a life less ordinary and when I'm done I will tell you all about where I plan to take my professional self next.

I will say this - if you want something badly enough you will find a way. I'm banking on it...literally.

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