Hello again. Fancy meeting you here. To continue then. Today I did many many wonderful things. I did rise with time to give my child a proper breakfast before school, the only meal, I think you will find, where you would eat a fluffy kitten if that were the only thing on offer. Not today. Today no food groups were omitted. Then to my utter amazement I noticed in the sky this round yellow thing. I checked Wikipedia and decided this must be a thing known as 'the sun'. It felt warm on the skin - what new sensation is this for Ontarians? I was jubilous and left the house with clothes thin enough as to allow for a sihouette that didn't look like the michelin man's.
All around me people stumbled dazed and confused by the un-Tundra-like conditions, in court shoes and flimsy jackets looking like they'd just waddled out of the sea on newly grown limbs.
I did lots of wifely things too like shop and clean - well, I say clean - I made the bed. Actually, I didn't make the bed. But I shopped - for food! and I may have achieved more but the burning ball in the sky was too distracting.
I resisted treats - the ones I tend to eat by the fistful and I didn't have one sarcastic thought today about Toronto; its one way streets, the roadworks, the stupid 2 line underground system (why bother) or the made-up Hydro debt charge that appears on your water bills when it's clear the debt was paid 10 years ago. No, none of that mattered. Instead I enjoyed the day with the innocence of a 3 month old child gurgling and laughing at life's little lessons. Oh, they can be so rumbunctuous - like baby jackals.
And then I did two classes of Yoga - back to back. Oh yes I did!
I intend to do similarly ephemeral things tomorrow. I might even squeeze in some Christmas shopping though in this mood, I'm capable of bringing home an orphan. Perhaps I should wait for a snow day before taking on something as dangerous as Christmas shopping.
And to think just a few days ago I was trapped by the black dog of depression, lock-jawed in a vicious tussle with the psyche. Well, tis not my place to question the wonders of hormones and their effects on the brain, tis my place to enjoy the lightness of being while it lasts because I appear, finally to have dug my way out of this cell but for now I shall keep the poster of Raquel Welsh over the hole until the coast is clear.
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