I'm insatiable. I always have been and let me be honest here, not always in a good way. Currently I'm either obsessing and behaving like a whirling dervish (great for multi-tasking in the home and office) or I'm so unwound you need a mop to interact with me (ask The Lish).
It could be borderline personality, manic depression, bi-polarism (I'm a contender for any of those) or utterly normal for a woman living in London, raising a kid and ferociously pursuing a raison d'etre. Yoga helps to keep me grounded, because god knows I'd be pounding my breast and ululating at the moon, naked, from the kitchen window otherwise. 'A' would love that. He's back to writing me notes...he must know the Silverback is away.
Let's take the current Government's re-structuring of the benefits system in this country. I agree that for too long it's been a joke. When people are better off not working - you have a problem. However (and I speak as a woman who has had the audacity to live her life, go travelling, get married, have a kid and still keep her skills fresh) reforming benefits that affect children, families and women makes me a little furious when there are so many much more undeserving recipients out there that could be targeted.
I refer to the K.I.S.S theory behind where and why cuts are going to be made. Like police officers who stop cyclists for running red lights instead of tackling real criminals, the govt. has decided to pick on families by cutting child benefit in households where one or other adult's earnings are in the higher tax bracket. The cut off is somewhere around the £44,000 mark. It means if both parents are each earning £43,999 pa (so almost £90k household) they get to keep child benefit. Conversely if you have a stay at home parent where the other parent say earns £44,001 - you're up the brown creek. It's basically saying...we didn't ask you to have children...
The message is...get married and stay married (whether you like it or not), work like dogs, don't have kids and give us 50% of everything you make so we can fund things like trips to Mars, pay for baby boomer pensions and benefits for couch potatoes.
Way to encourage achievement and independence. And this from a Government trying to sell us on the Big Society idea. It's all beginning to sound a little like 'Care in the Community' which of course was so very successful...in letting the mentals loose on us. Libertarianism gone mashugannah.
I see a huge U-turn in less than 12 months. I sense a revolt of Poll Tax, horse trampling proportions. And the Tories would deserve it. Not 12 hours later, it's already happening with the proposed introduction of the married couples' tax transfer reform which involves basically giving back the child benefit through a tax break and will probably cost more than the money they intended to save by axing the benefit in the first place. If you are finding this complicated and ridiculous...join the queue.
It's a shambles. Now everyone is talking about reforming the voting system...in other words people have had time to see the mess baby-faced Cameron has managed to make in less than 3 months and they're thinking: How did he get in? Meanwhile Cameron is rocking in a corner asking for 'bitty' and his nanny.
What is the point of spending £500,000 on a private education when you can't handle the sophistication of a fair tax and benefits system - instead preferring to introduce truly STOOPID measures like this one. The childrens' minister deserves to be left in a Cambodian Jesuit School run by the worst batty boys the cloth can find.
Meanwhile, I've developed an unhealthy obsession for a certain fruit cornered yogurt. I've been in denial until I saw this in my fridge:

this in my bin:
Think it's time for Yoga.