Sunday, October 24, 2010

It must be Sunday

This whole blog post owes its inspiration to condensation. Yes, the dew that forms on windows when hot air meets cold. Alarmingly the condensation on one window I'm looking at is on the OUTSIDE - which gives you an indication as to the quality of insulation in this flat - gorgeous as it it.

It's a sunshine flat that's for sure. Wonderful things happen to sunlight in this flat. I have to say though, that I do also love it when the winter nights start to draw in. It reminds me of being a kid, getting home from school at 4pm and it already being pitch black outside. Wil o' the Wisp cartoon would come on; set in a forest where the main character was a little ghost, there was no better programme to watch while outside the night grew darker, cold and clammy. Or watching a black & white movie with my mum - those are great to watch on bleak winter evenings.

On those nights there was always condensation on the windows (on the inside). I would sometimes stand at my bedroom window just before getting into bed, and draw pictures in the condensation while wistfully wishing on a star. I wasn't unhappy, I was just a kid who watched too much TV.   Or not.  I mean TV is often the one saving grace on dark, cold nights.

Reading too is another cosy activity, but I prefer doing that in a toasty bed with soft lighting.  Any minute now Bing Crosby will appear in his slippers, puffing on a pipe with a big book of fairytales. Don't worry, if he does I'll kick him in the brick.  Anyway, the point is that cold, seemingly boring nights - especially Sundays can also offer opportunities to get cosy and content with very little.

To wit - on the rare occasions the Silverback is not foraging for food, chest beating or practicing knuckle-walking he sometimes likes to ask blue sky questions like:
 - It's Sunday night, The Lish is in bed, it's 5 to 9 - you've slipped into your Jim Jams, have a bottle of room temperature water (sensitive teeth) to sip and flicked the TV on - what are you watching?

In other words, if you could watch any film tonight, which would it be?  My response is always the same:
- A psychological or suspense thriller.

One day I will surprise him and say:
- NHL Hockey, preferably a Leafs game. 

Of course I'd sooner stick needles in my eyes than watch hockey, but I might just say it, just to see the look on his banana eating face.

Can you tell it's Sunday?

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