Saturday, April 16, 2011


I´m at the end of a week´s yoga retreat in Fuerteventura, Canary Islands.  It´s been a week of discipline and acceptance.  I found the discipline part quite easy, in fact - stepping out of that discipline was the hardest part for me as the group I ended up with turned out to be party animals despite being on average 15 years older than me.  And that is where the acceptance came in.  True to form I spent a lot of the week avoiding the loud ones but caved last night, it literally being the last night to meet them all at a tapas bar.  It was nice, I suppose. 

I have to say, I have seriously enjoyed my own company this week and the company of the more like minded yogis.  I can´t for the life of me understand why you would come on a yoga retreat when all you really want to do is drink and eat...and annoy the living shit out of everyone else who is quite happy nibbling on a lentil cracker. 

Again, acceptance was the key.  I did my last yoga class last night.  I could have done a pilates session this morning, but in the spirit of rebellion and given that the latest I´ve been up all week has been 7:30 - I decided to give myself a massive lie-in until 9.  WOOOH  HOO!!  Well, a little of what you fancy won´t hurt.  Of course now I´ve spent the day berrating myself for being so lazy. 

I´ve also had a bellyful of Spanish TV and took for the first time a yoga class in Spanish last night.  I have to say, no matter how hard they try, the Spaniards (and I can say this because I am one) will never to subdued easily.  Even when Omming, a guy from Pamplona sitting next to me sounded like he was running from a bull.

I´ve missed my lisherlicious with a raw passion.  I am happy to have this time for me for sure, but boy will I be happy to see her cheeky little face.  I´ve bought her a flamenco dress, as you do, see if I can´t tease the dago out of  her.

I can´t say I had any real expectations, this being the first time I´d done a yoga holiday and I loved it but next time I will go hardcore.  None of this mixed bag of holiday makers.  I want rock hard 6am no food shit type yoga.  It had renewed my love of the practice and given me impetus to impress the poop out of my bosses so I can start to reduce office hours and increase Omming hours.

And so I must leave as there are rays of sunshine to meditate to until the madness of Stansted airport at 2am on a Sunday.  Can´t wait.

Namaste everyone.

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