And so we wave goodbye (or more likely give the finger to) 2011. Personally I did very well last year- all things considered. I managed to stay employed the whole year, I even won an award for it and if the dire forecasts about 2012 are to be believed - and they are truly vile - going by the past year's formula, I could be looking at my best year ever. So roll on 2012.
This is the year I make director and if not, then I'll take the fork in the road and cut down to less time in the orifice and more time 'on the mat' and with The Lish. All or nothing. Make or break year. No (more) time to waste - think I achieved that goal in my 30s. Anyhow, these are my professional goals for what they are worth.
In the meantime, life goes on. As it always does whether you like it or not.
On a personal level, I'm setting a very straightforward goal. Aside from love and world peace I'll be laying groundwork for a future that does not involve weekly trips to the headmistress. Let me explain. It has become evident that I have a very headstrong daughter who will avoid anything that requires anything but the most minimal effort and even then, it's a struggle. So this year will deliver a little motivational injection of self-drive (even if I have to administer it with a taser gun). The Lish will shortly start weekly swimming , gymnastics and ice skating lessons in a bid to reverse the effects of 5 years of Nickleodeon.
By the same token, I'm also hoping to nurture a creative gene in The Silverback. I got him a Ukelele for Christmas - cruel I know for someone with such large sausage fingers and so little natural rhythm. Still, if Sid Vicious could do have to start somewhere. Unbelievably he does seem to have fallen under its plinky plonky spell though that could be down to sheer post Christmas boredom.
Ok, enough cogitation for now - I have places to force people to go.
Happy New Year Y'all!
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