So watch this space.
In the meantime, I'm in recovery of sorts after broaching the 40 mark earlier this month...for I am now 41. I found my hair has been thinning at an alarming rate. And the more worried I became with my barnet, the more convinced I became of the notion of a self - fulfilling prophesy but I was in the grip of paranoia. Helpless to its effects. And no matter how much I tried to just chillax -all that did was put a spotlight on the issue to the point that I became obsessed with womens' hairlines. I would study them on public transport, at work and in magazines until finally I was able to accept that while I was unlikely to be suffering from aloepecia (I mean, I'm so happy right?) I am sadly suffering the physical effects of what is commonly known as aging - how uncouth. So of course I've now done a truckload of research into hair and all its follicular miracles. I have discovered (and would like to pay this forward) an amazing hair thinning shampoo - that is to say - it reduces the process rather than promote it as the name suggests.
It's this elegant little number and it works.
So content that the Syrup (syrup and fig - wig - for the canucks reading this) will not be required anytime soon, I have now moved onto the issue of the gunt. Remember the gunt? Well it's still there but getting smaller as I continue to shed those troublesome middle age pounds through the physical/mental torture of spinning ( I know this because The Silverback complimented me last night and that NEVER happens).
My next recommendation is this next place (you will appreciate the irony I'm sure that I should switch from talking about weight loss to recommending a pizza place);
The place is in the heart of my old manor - Portobello Road - a mere cock-eyed stroll from my old Spanish School where I spent 10 years cowering from the wrath of nuns. This is no ordinary Pizza place - if it were it would not serve a pizza with crispy pork belly now would it? This is Pizza East and there is no mozzarella anywhere - it's Burrata or nothing here which I can attest is THE creamist mofoing mozarella type cheese I've ever tasted and the proscuitto isn't proscuitto it's San Daniele. Mouthwateringly delish losh. And the clientele? I advise one polishes up ones diction before entertaining the thought of booking a table...ah yes, also there is that - if you're name's not down you ain't coming in. Delightful, don't you think? The best part I think though (get the vomit bucket out) wasn't really the menu but the company of old friends and comrades.
And so on this Hollywood ending I leave you until the next time. So, yeah don't call me - I'll call you.
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