Watching him fill out a receipt was almost too much to bear. I do believe I may have dribbled just a little bit onto the slip of paper as he handed it to me. I don't exactly remember much after that. A chair, a table, some people in an office. Something about a strike. Who needs public transport when you have 'the fit cobber'?
Sadly not all my clothes lend themselves to chemical solvent - so I will simply have to join the tussle to take other people's dry cleaning in. I'm up against pros who have been at this game for a lot longer than me. Wish me luck.
So, I'm having a hard time concentrating on work - I have to deliver a pitch to a journalist about technology in healthcare (yep, you should feel sorry) when my booth buddy turns to me and asks me whether I would like some Monkey Fudge.
Don't ask. Between the Fudge Monkey and The Fit Cobbler - it's going to be an interesting week.
fudge monkey monkey fudge... first though must be a cake, coz I love cakes :-)
googled for the recipe and that came up instead:
so now I'm a bit confused. Please make me smart(er).
Hello Anon...(hmnn, who could it be?:))Ah,well..let's see. Fudge Monkey is a term of endearment to describe a little retard person. OH NO I hear you say. That's rude and insulting. Yes, it is but also hilarious. Monkey Fudge, well, that's the delicious creamy candy (like soft toffee) that my work buddy brings in most days in a box that has a picture of a monkey on it. Go figure!!
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