I woke up this morning to the last weekday morning of a freelance lifestyle. I'm not doing anything differently because that would feel a little over-dramatic. I'm just starting a new job not dying. And even if I were dying I still wouldn't do anything differently. What exactly do you think would be achieved? The pressure to fit into one day everything you think you now won't be able to do is a pointless waste of effort. Stuff like this needs to be savoured, not crammed in. That's what the afterlife is for.
Besides, I've done a lot of the stuff you might do if you were given 24 hours to live. Really, I have. I've visited every country I've ever wanted to visit. Bought outrageous stuff (been outrageous) and generally treated myself (deservedly or not) and now all I want is a simple (and happy) life for me and those around me. And let's face it, that isn't going to be achieved in a day.
So the best I can manage today is to go to the park with The Lish and then lunch at Mc D's. That's what she wants - that is what she'll get - preceded by TV galore and her ice cream Play Doh factory which I have on more than one occasion pretended I couldn't find...it's THE messiest thing. But today, no mess is too big...well that's not true but you get my drift.
I woke up this morning and thought about the first morning back in London back in March. I remember exactly the mixture of elation, sadness and fear registering like a Hi-Fi's equalizer flashing green and red as the levels peaked with each emotion. It seems like a lifetime ago; a lot has happened. It did make me think about making sure lots of things continue to happen so that (keeping with the wistful subject of expiration) when I am on the proverbial 'deathbed' my life will feel like a proper sum total - none of this flashing past my eyes malarky.
And so this afternoon, while The Lish enjoys a few hours at daycare with her lively gang of climbing frame war-mongers, I will be doing nothing more than reading the epic that is The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets' Nest with a regular skinny latte (on the comfy seats) and that will do nicely.
I may even purchase a lottery ticket and if I win, everyday will feel like 'the last day'.
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