I'm going to talk about something other than work in this post. What an utter bore I've been. Today I looked back at the statue of Eros as I emerged from the entrails of London's underground system at Pickledwilly on my way to work - to remind myself that life is for living and loving. I even took the piss a little today and disappeared a whole 40 minutes for lunch. I took off to a newly discovered vegan restaurant in Berwick Street, a longtime teenage haunt (Berwick Street) that has not changed much in16 years ...cept for the arrival of this restaurant and the fit cobbler. It's called Beetroot. I love the earthiness of the place. It's like what I imagine a 60s canteen to have looked like. The are no sharp edges. The seats are semi circle benches. The tables or more like squiggly breakfast bars with the difference being they are at a seated level. The literature is all about good news on recycled paper. I found out about some chanting evenings here. It's a serendipitous place.
On the way back to the orifice, I stopped outside the record and tape exchange store where I once bought a New York Dolls album in 1989 and looked at this Dinosaur Junior LP:

- that's vinyl for any young'ns reading. I would have bought it too if only for the album cover but I don't own a turntable anymore and I just couldn't live with an album in the house that I was unable to play. Hmmnnn, I think it might be time to get a little turntable - even if it's like one of those 60s teeny bopper contraptions out of the bedroom scene in Grease. I have two boxes of albums in storage, any one of which would bring tears of joy to my eyes to listen to again.
I rummaged around a hippy type shop and saw a badge which made me laugh out loud - it said: "I can't come into work today, so fuck off."
But back to work I had to go. It wasn't all bad, though I am glad another week is done.
I left on time today and got home earlier than I think I've ever managed. With The Silverback picking up The Lish, I really had the house to myself for a little while. I could have done anything. Anything at all. Chant, do yoga, lounge. And you know what I did? I fidgetted, anxious to hear the lock turn and the family tumble into my weekend. It's the weirdest thing. Between the hassle of work and parenting you'd think I'd cherish half an hour of 'my' time...go figure.
I heard them before I saw them - the tinkle of The Lish's voice travelling up the stairwell like birdsong on a Spring morning. I couldn't wait to see her. And that is another nice side effect of having a full time job -it has to be said. I miss the family. I look forward to spending time together.
Course, it took less than half an hour for the effect to wear off and now I wish to be left alone with this image:

Good Night.
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