Week two of 2011 has been no less hectic than last week, workwise (it may even have been more) so looks like I'm going through an ebb of the proverbial 'ebb & flow' of life (or flow if you're a workaholic - which I most definitely am not). I'm afraid blogging is currently a little treat I squeeze out when I'm not comatose on the nearest level surface - utterly exhausted by the pace of life at the moment. But if there is one thing I have learned over the years, it is just how adaptable humans can be when they put their minds to it or have no other choice or better still when they are resigned to a situation. That's me: Resigned and happy. Who knew being utterly frantic could fill in so many emotional voids!!!
I am learning the art of delegation in a hurry and The Silverback gave me some excellent advice about the secret to sanity at work when a job entails being 3 people in one. Actually, newsflash - my situation is not unique which gives me some comfort. Less easy is handling those wankers and fucksticks I refer to last week. Nevertheless, they pay the bills - so it's a case of finding peace of mind and accepting that with the career comes the stress, a notion that eluded me in Canada - possibly why I met with such a sticky end? I'm gonna give myself the benefit of the doubt there because nothing was going to work as I hadn't reached the enlightened state of resignation and happiness. It was a pill I wouldn't swallow. I wasn't ready to accept that life (and finding peace of mind) is about acknowledging, accepting and going with the flow.
Mick Jagger says it best: "You can't always get what you want...."
....But if you try, try, try, you might just find, you get what you need.
I think I've finally put the nut in the nut cracker - won't be long before I crack it. Better late than never right?
And not a moment too soon. With The Lish now well on her way to making memories with people who's names she'll be typing into Google and Facebook searches when she's older, I need to embrace my own unknown - a.k.a 'the next phase' of life. And I want to make it count. For me and for those who I care about.
No pressure then.
Still, let's get next week out of the way first eh? Look after today and tomorrow will look after itself, as they say.
In this sense, the universe always provides - you can put money on it.
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