Tuesday, September 13, 2011

So, what now?

The build-up to my 40th over, I've steadily sipped through the bottles of champagne generously given, made a good dent in the Lush products gratefully received, John Lewis vouchers spent in one fell swoop (on one single product - it's well worth it I guarantee you).  There are just the Space N.K vouchers to go.  I shouldn't imagine it will take more than 15 minutes to dispose of those.

What else? Well, school's started and I've miraculously sorted out the childcare dilemma with the help of my godlike friends; we get the keys to the flat in a week...pffff...I really don't know what to do with myself now. I guess I'll just slip quietly into old age?

God, now that is a depressing thought. I read that Monday 12 September is the worst Monday for complaints.  So if you work in customer services, don't take it personally, apparently it's all do to with seasonal cycles.  But what do I have to complain about?  Do you think I could be at that stage in life when nothing much happens anymore? Oh god - is this the mid-life crisis thing that parents and other adults talk about?  And to top it all off, I'm addicted to Jerseyshore.(http://www.mtv.co.uk/shows/jersey-shore).  What next -  a Feng Shui consultation?

Then the other day I found myself thinking about winter.  In my youth, I'd be planning the 2 week break to India right about now, but instead all I could think of was how much better TV gets and how now, as the nights draw in, would be the perfect time to watch the director's cut of The Lord of The Rings. Again.  Does that make me old? boring? or just happy?

I think I'll go with happy.  It's the yoga folks - I know it.  I do it everyday.  I do a head stand every single day (I almost broke my neck a couple of nights ago but goddamit, I do a goddam headstand everyday).  It's better than trepanning.  So I guess what I'm saying is that if I wasn't doing yoga I'd be a fucking mess or a drug addict. 

I might get botox.

Ah, that's more like it.  Issues.  Can't get enough of them.

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