Here's a first for me. Today I turned up for a networking chat with a very well known recruiter only to find out the consultant in question wasn't there. Despite an e-mail trail of too-ing and fro-ing on times and dates -it appeared I wasn't even on 'the system' as if 'the system' had a mind of its own and was therefore beyond blame.
Never before has an optimistic and positive outlook been more crucial and important. I don't mind admitting, my resolve today cracked slightly to allow a tiny lump of emotion (ego) escape from my throat. I drew the line at actually crying because I know this is just one of those things and I also know how much fun I will have showing my press relations skills with this little gem of an anecdote to the trade magazines that can take your credibility away as fast as they attribute it. What were you thinking lady? Did you forget I work in PR?
I mean, so what? A frankly bad recruitment consultant proved my theory about recruiters - it could be so much worse. So why do I suddenly feeling so despondent? I know I can't be alone because, aside from me there were 4 other people in the waiting room looking as frustrated as I felt; the difference being that I don't have time to waste and walked out pretty much immediately. Maybe I don't need the work as badly; Maybe I'm too highly strung, but actually as a person whose role for a long time has been about building cultures aligned to company/brand promises - I know an organisation in trouble when I see one. So, and I mean this sincerely: good luck to them because maybe not now, but soon - they will wish they hadn't been quite so cavalier with talent.
Ok - that's enough of feeling sorry for myself. I've got so much more to be grateful for. And so I am off to validate the good in life with a bag of Reversy Percies and The Lish. It's all for her in the end.
So folks - the thought for today is to try not to forget how lucky you are especially when the chips are down. Alternatively you can just release a string of expletives while beating the pavement with a tree branch. The effect is pretty much the same and the latter also helps burn stubborn calories.
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