Friday, July 16, 2010

What a world, what a world...

It's  been a helluva week folks. I've been rejected left, right and centre; struck down by some weirdoid flu-type thing - maybe, lung cancer, at least and get this: I can't even (it seems) GIVE yoga away - that's how much of a reject I've become.

So first, I spend ages researching an industry sector for an interview which comes to nothing.  I blame the Bakerloo line.  I was all suited and booted, rehearsed and researched with more 'aptitude' than a cheerleader in heat only to get to the station platform to be told that I wasn't going anywhere that morning.  The Bakerloo line had been suspended.  In for a penny in for five pounds worth of bus rides and a gallop up Oxford St. - I make the interview but now not only am I shaken, I'm stirred and my lips are clinging to my teeth.  It's not easy speaking when your teeth have a cement-like grip on your lips.  It's impossible to enunciate.  I sound like I have motor neuron disease.  It make me so nervous well, I end up ballsing it.  Hey ho.  Two other roles didn't want me either. One had the good grace to tell me.  At least I can relax now for the rest of the weekend.

Next.  Free yoga anyone?


I guess I will have to charge the next time as I think Londoners are too cynical to accept anything for free.  They probably thought I was trying to recruit them into some naturist satanical cult.  I lie - two people came.  I knew one of them.  The other one was an old man trying to shake pneumonia.  Just what I need. 

I won't go into the schooling fiasco for the nipper.  I just won't, it's too depressing.  What this country has done with the education system is the street equivalent of setting fire to your own hair when all you need is a trim.  We've had to go private.  So it's Lady Lish to you all now.

Then my laptop packs up.  You know, I don't ask for much in life.  Not really and when I do, it is with careful consideration but now I can't even get online without having to sit in a stinking internet cafe surrounded by 'gamers', where the seats are so low I can feel Carpal Tunnel marching down my neck towards my wrists.

On a good point...and I tread with caution here because the way things are going I feel a crucifiction coming - I made it 5 years as wifey to the Silverback Gorilla.  So there's one thing I didn't cock up this week - mind you, it's only 3pm - there is time for a total FUBAR.

That's me done and done but hey y'all come back now.

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