Monday, November 8, 2010

Everybody needs good neighbours

So 'A' from across the way - you remember The Silverback's kitchen window buddy?  Him? well, he has progressed the 'relationship' from scribbled notes pressed to the window pane with the urgency of someone communicating from their 'Panic Room', to something altogether more bold: he's asked me out for a coffee.  Me. Thanks.  Still, at least I'm not being asked UP for coffee or OVER for a coffee. 

OUT for coffee conjures up a more sincere motivation, right?  The Silverback generously concurs that it's the neighbourly thing to do.  Course he would, he doesn't have to go.

I have to say I deliberated,  knowing really that I had only one option.  And, of course, I blame The Silverback.  Who in their right mind plays imaginary cricket with a topless stranger leaning over a steaming sinkful of dishes?  Who then goes on to wave at this stranger, on a daily basis! with the enthusiasm of a child (with ADHD) who's just discovered his parent's secret stash of After Eight Mints.  Hint: It wasn't me.

And yet.

So, tomorrow I'm going OUT for coffee with A.  I have to or else it's bye bye to ever being to use the kitchen again.  And let's face it, eating is one of the few remaining untrimmed pleasures left to an old bird with a kid like me.

Unless....who do I know in the curtain-making business?

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