Thursday, January 25, 2018

Politics, Public Transport and Precipitations – A Few of Briain’s Favourite Things

I don’t know about you guys but I’ve been hearing that 2017 wasn’t really much better for people than the ‘bad boyfriend’ antics of 2016.  It turned out to be the year the weather first started going mad in the UK; Brexit fever took hold and then there was Trump.

It began with the limpest of Springs, an event that occurs in this exact way with boring regularity and which the Brits are so used to, there’d be all-up panic if season changes happened with more distinction.  However, this year, after the damp flaccidity that took us to April, we all woke up to a tropical 30 degrees C with little warning in May…for a week….and no further guarantee.    You could therefore not blame Londoners for wanting to hedge their bets by wearing 3 outfits in one. 

Indeed, fears for the mental state of Londoners who attempted to leave their homes without a thick coat, an umbrella and sensible shoes anytime outside of August were palpable.  Open-mouthed stares and trembling jawbones all but flapping loose off people’s skulls at the sight of breathable fabrics were common occurrences.  It made for an amazing display to see folks attempting to cover all bases during that week in May by wearing flimsy pastel coloured shirts (under thick winter jumpers) or dresses (over thick woolly granny tights) as they tried to anticipate what the weather would do next. 

He's gonna regret the choice of a woolly hat
At the same time, the London Underground became a sort of storage heater where those with experience would begin to peel off as they glided down the escalators, looking on, with dismay at the thought of all that sweat collecting into the pant elastic of mild weather tube novices.

After the week we like to call Summer, came the torrential rains of hurricanes Brian, Caroline and Dylan though to be honest the UK pretty much gets those as often as Spain has Saints Days.  Growing up, I don’t remember having to name these.  It was just…weather. 

The Great British Weather
But moving on from the nation’s favourite topic, let us not forget the shit show that is Brexit.  Many felt we’d be under the cloud of recent political events and indeed last year was dominated by scaremonger headlines; a general election would you believe; Trump and more mad weather.  Still, it’s my humble opinion that the universe is on course to fulfil its grand plan and that all these events will one day make sense.

History will show us what the fuss was all about.

And all I will say about Trump is that with his help at least our bananas will be bendy again.

Oh Well
For me 2018 has to be a year of further emancipation and a little more abundance.  One thing I now know for sure - there is no time like the present.  Time to get a grip on this thing called life.  I've started out small...but you know what they say about acorns...
Big plans start with a new hairdo
The Corporate Look

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