Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Getting a complex

...a B complex that is.  For years, pretty much since I had The Lish, I've never really felt right, for want of a better word.  At first I just put it down to post baby stuff, I have to say, it took me ages to lose the baby weight, so long in fact that to be honest, I never really did.  I mean, I'm not frumpy or anything, but I was for a while.  I was also anaemic for the longest time and I guess it must all take its toll.  Then I moved to Canada and I know this is going to sound really weird, but I felt like I was walking on foam for most of the time I was there.  Heels were out, trousers looked wrong and nice dresses has to be flowy to hide the rolls!.  It was the oddest feeling all round, like I was in a bubble walking on foam.  That said, it was actually in Canada where I lost the worst of the baby flab with a personal trainer but because I never really followed a diet - although I was fit and firm, I could have been slimmer.  The same goes for me today, though now back in London I feel the ground beneath me in a way I didn't in Canada.  I'm not talking metaphorically either, I mean literally.  It's mad isn't it? What can I say? 

See the thing is I just can't seem to resist carbs and sugar and my metabolism isn't what it once was.  I've also always suspected that my moods were most definitely connected to diet but I never did anything about it.  Call it laziness, denial, call it what you want I finally decided to do something through what I eat.   I'm now following a special diet that starts with a cocktail of vitamins and minerals designed to boost your neurotransmitters and balance hormones and enzymes.  8 pills daily (1 x B Complex, 1  B6, 1 x B3, 3 x calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D3, 1 x Gingko and 1 x St. John's Wort.  This means, in theory, I shouldn't get the sugar lows that usually lead me by the nose to the nearest newsagents for a bag of Skittles or Maltesers.  And by balancing the hormones in the body, the idea is to also banish the mood swings and depressive episodes.   Early days yet to say whether it's worked.  Today for example, I stayed off the sweets but did blow up at my boss over something...

Wonder if there is a pill that makes the boss disappear?

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