Friday, February 18, 2011


Well, the much anticipated bout of dysentry I've been expecting appears to have finally hit.  It began last night with 'the cold sweats' and the stomach cramps.  I will spare you the detail.   I will say that this morning's ride into work was quite dicey with a couple of very close calls.  My fellow commuters have no idea how lucky they are or how near I came to 'treating' the carriage to an organic version of a Jackson Pollock   Nonetheless, made it I did, to work and promptly spent most of the morning in and out of the loo until I could stand it no longer.  So by 2:50 I had to leave.  The return journey was even more tricky, the virus having taken a vice-like grip, I could barely stand.  In fact I drew quite a few odd stares - none of concern, such is life in a paranoid city.  
It was nothing short of a late Christmas miracle that I made it to the bathroom at home (it was the longest climb ever up four flights) with nano seconds to spare and have pretty much camped out there since.

I only hope the resulting loss of a few stubborn kilos is the ultimate reward - though from the look of my distended stomach and knowing my luck it will be more a case of memento stretch marks. 

Onto a less unsavoury and more wistful subject, I saw a foxy loxy coming home the other night with The Lish.  He had been cowering in the doorway to the apartment building but darted out the moment it sensed our approach. Where it went we shall never know for it seemed to disappear.

I have long believed in animal symbolism, so I was at once pleased and on my guard on seeing this creature.  They are quite common in London, I don't know why or where the heck they live when they are not cowering in doorways - but I do know the fox, if you believe in this sort of thing, or I should say a sighting of one,  is supposed to serve as a reminder to feed the emotional needs of the child in you; to be playful and laugh at yourself as well as to watch out for tricky tricksters around you.

Given the last few weeks of mental torment (stress related) of one description or another, it is a timely and much appreciated reminder.
And now I must excuse my self as another timely reminder - this one not so appreciated and absolutely out of my control, twitches.

Pass the nappy rash cream.

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