Friday, May 14, 2010

Instant gratification is over-rated...or is it?

I have finally been able to do something I’ve been jonesing to do for a LONG time and it feels really great, I mean REALLY great. I know the feeling because in my life I’ve been headstrong and daring (or just stupid) enough to do a lot of these types of things like the time I spent a night in one of the honeymoon suites at The Datai Resort on the island of Langkawi. Let me preface this by saying I was not a newlywed – not even close. No, I was island hopping for a month in Malaysia during what I now realise was an emotional breakdown á la Eat, Pray, Love. And yes, it was instant gratification; an impulse buy which ordinarily you might argue has no lasting value but I beg to differ my dear friends because when I’m on my deathbed, spending the night at The Datai will not rank among the things I will regret.

Anyway, I digress, I went from a beach hut the night before in Pangkor (the neighbouring island) that cost about a $1.40, where my only companion was a cockroach called Mahmood to well...let’s just say this place was so exclusive staff would come round with frozen face towels and discreetly place them at your feet as you sun bathed. This place was so exclusive Ewan Macgregor was lolling about in full Obi Wan Kenobi get up. Though I didn’t do this (I wanted to believe me and I was still young and dumb enough to contemplate it)I didn’t. I didn't follow him around in the hope I would get the chance to nonchalantly spark a conversation up with him but a tiny net (the teeny bit of bashful I still had) held me back and I dare say saved me from making a ground to air moron of myself. Suffice to say Ewan doesn’t have to nonchalantly do anything and suffice to say I’m still paying off the credit card bill.

I have since seen him again, a couple of times at the summer fair in a local West London park. Him with his wifey and kids and me with mine. I can tell you Jim Jam king was more excited than I was but then, I’ve seen Ewie wearing the tiniest pair of swimming trunks.  Nuff said.

Stop distracting me. The thing I’ve done at long last is this: I have reached the end of a week in which I’ve been able to practice Yoga. Every. Day.

Boo!! Boring? I hear you cry. NO, not at all. On the contrary, it’s the start of something that came to a screeching halt before I’d even really had a chance to get going; my yoga career and I’m overjoyed. Ok – so maybe these days it doesn’t take much...though...I don’t know, I’ve been contemplating getting breast implants and a tummy tuck...what can I tell you? It ain’t over til it’s over.

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