Saturday, May 8, 2010 last!

I've never been so excited by Routine.  Am I to assume that things are coming together, like finally?  I mean it would certainly seem that way what with The Lish at the most gorgeous of gorgeous daycares.  Look!

Gorgeous ennit?  Don't worry it's Church of England  - the priests here are allowed wives AND lovers.  The daycare is in an annex building and it's non-denominational.  Don't worry I haven't come over all religieuse - good god no.  The only thing I have ever found alluring about 'religion' was the ecstacy of St. Teresa.  I have  since found self medication and erotica (especially when practiced together) pretty much had the very same effect with the added bonus of neither of those things taking up (much of) Sunday mornings.

Then there is the fact the bone in my left foot appears to have finally fused together.  It took its merry old time and I do not know how to describe the pain of Prasarita Padottanasana (open angled, forward bend for those of you not fluent in sankrit) but at least I am able to attempt it.  In other words I've come along hops and hobbles.

So now to begin formulating a master plan to take London's yoga scene by drizzle.  Watch this void.

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