Monday, December 1, 2008

The Plot Thickens

It never ceases to amaze me that whenever I really want something it eithers appears to tauntingly hover at dislocating arms reach where once it seemed perfectly attainable, or almost worse, remains perfectly attainable but has added a couple of layers of bureaucracy - a test of surety.

To be less criptic. I got that second interview I wanted and I feel that I performed well. In fact I gave it my absolute best, based on weeks of insightful research and I honestly think it will pay off in some way, much like the sugar coated rejection of the last role I pursued led to invaluable networking contacts.

So now would it be acceptable to think, even expect that the next step will entail either a job offer or some professional reason for termination; it would except for one thing - the person who really needed to be in that interview wasn't. She was stuck somewhere unholy trapped by fog and blizzard-like conditions. I was interviewed by her partner who though duly engaged was honest about where the hiring buck stopped and it wasn't with him.

I only hope that my carefully rehearsed performance resonated to the point that he will think of our time together as having been worthwhile and make his opinion known where it matters . I suspect however that it will be down to me to duplicate the experience with the top honcho - though let's not get too presumptuous as I may be writing about how they never got back to me this time next week.

As with all things in life that you give your best to, the outcome now lies in the laps of the Gods.

I keep telling myself that practice makes perfect - what's one more interview? I just hope that quantity won't dilute the quality. I don't want to sound over-rehearsed.

Two things to take from all this. Patience is a virtue and if you really really want it -go get it.

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