Saturday, January 9, 2010

The thing about revising... that it's the world's biggest drag.  I am supposed to be revising right now for my last Yoga exam - it's a written exam in case you were wondering how you are supposed to revise for Yoga.  It's not a competition so no one will ever be tested on flexibility, which is very lucky since I have the flexibility of a rubber dog bone.  My calf muscles are more like tennis balls, an anatomical reminder of high heels and rock climbing (not simultaneously, unless it's Christmas).

No, I must now memorize the Sanskrit names of over 30 poses, know how to guide people into and out of them without mishap and when I tell you that Tiriang Mukaikapada Paschimottanasana is a simple one legged forward bend, you can be sure I have a long afternoon ahead of me.

But I'm excited at the thought that after this...well, I guess I'm almost a Yoga teacher.  I can tell you that I passed Anatomy, Philosophy and the Hatha part of the it's a definite possibility.  Otherwise, it's back to PR...(NOOOOOOOO, you will never take me alive!) - so you see I simply HAVE to pass.

I am due to assist 4 classes this month, an exercise I'm very much looking forward to.  I've already assisted one and it provided the most enormous high.  I think I may just have found something to replace Rye and Coke - something that I can truly be passionate about.

Ok - I'm going underground now.  I'll be back.

In the meantime, it's only minus 11 so get your bikinis out - I'll meet you in the water park later.

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